DRED PIRATE ROBERTS AKA Pirate Stanley McCann (Stanley)
Short hair smooth coat Isabella and tan eyes Greenish/blueish
Update Personality: week 8 - 10 Pirate: Amazingly I fell in love with this guy and even though he was under contact with Clint and Shelly they selflessly agreed to let him stay with us in the family here at our home. I know that was not an easy thing to do as they already had a place in their heart for him. Sometimes the actions of others and the blessings from God still amaze me. I strive to be as selfless and giving sometimes as people I have not even met in person. I will always be in their debt for being such great people and giving me this opportunity. I am humbled by their generosity and thoughtfulness. first to climb the entire flight of stairs, he is always adventurous and wants to learn. I think he chooses to listen or not but that just ads to his charm. seeks me out to snuggle, and loves to play rough. He is special in a I am always going to be a troublemaker way. I have no idea why I am so drawn to him, I guess because the first part of my life I was much like he is. At any rate his story will go on and on here as we are keeping him!!
week 5-6 Terror this guy loves to start trouble, exploring everywhere and wants to play play when everyone else is asleep. he is first to tackle anything and the most mischievous of all. He is also the most comical of everyone. shooting "side eyes" and jumping when his name is called loud. He definitively knows hes a bad dog and doesn't care until you scoop him up and he just ramps up the charm as if to say that wasn't me. I know a stinker when I see one and he is a stinker with flare and style. If I could keep anyone from this litter Daddy would pick Pirate ARRR, I love his style the most. Very independent, quick thinker, problem solver and expressionist. Fastest learner of the group!! one of the biggest little personalities I have ever seen in our babies.
week 4- TROUBLE, The explorer has been since before eyes opening. Mischievous already shooting me "side eyes" and attacked back. I can tell this will be the most likely to manipulate you of the group and the trade off is he will easily be the most COMICAL. I personally love this type of personality it shows a hyper intelligence. Individual driven but does fantastic in pairs sub group and pack. First one out and first one thru puzzles. rapid problem solver and manipulative memory recall. lol very dishonest when challenged with the honesty test. 100% in new experiences! normal startle then attacking loud noises and new sensory input. Fastest most anxious learner of the pack. "knowing looks and eyes". Of the pack If you could keep him on track, easily the highest achievements will come from him.
Puppies are ready to go as soon as December 11th, although we prefer, and have no problem holding any or all longer to find the right home, and allow more socialization time. We pray that your special puppy finds you, and you find them. There are many puppy mills with lower cost dogs but remember that quality lasts a lifetime. The up front cost negates the cost of a dog who later has temperament issues, or worse case scenarios like eye, heart, hip problems.
"The bitterness of a poor-quality dog will linger long after the sweetness of a cheap price is forgotten." "Exceptional quality is priceless" and that is the only thing we will deliver; we have not and never will settle for anything less. We will only deliver the highest quality lifetime companion available period. No expense or effort has been spared to ensure that this is the most dog you can buy for the money because you expect a long lifetime of quality, and no health issues, temperament problems, etc.
I would use a word of caution if you are still considering a dog with lower cost, less guarantees, and extensive testing and care that went into producing these finest purebred mini Dachshunds.
Pet care costs have tripled in the last few years, the lifetime cost of a dog is a huge commitment and all the time and love you will put into your friend can never be gotten back.
To the lucky 8 individuals that are about to add to your family our precious treasures that we worked countless hours, days, weeks, and yes years to deliver to you; we want to say congratulations, you have our lifetime of support and of course the contract guarantees.
"The bitterness of a poor-quality dog will linger long after the sweetness of a cheap price is forgotten." "Exceptional quality is priceless" and that is the only thing we will deliver; we have not and never will settle for anything less. We will only deliver the highest quality lifetime companion available period. No expense or effort has been spared to ensure that this is the most dog you can buy for the money because you expect a long lifetime of quality, and no health issues, temperament problems, etc.
I would use a word of caution if you are still considering a dog with lower cost, less guarantees, and extensive testing and care that went into producing these finest purebred mini Dachshunds.
Pet care costs have tripled in the last few years, the lifetime cost of a dog is a huge commitment and all the time and love you will put into your friend can never be gotten back.
To the lucky 8 individuals that are about to add to your family our precious treasures that we worked countless hours, days, weeks, and yes years to deliver to you; we want to say congratulations, you have our lifetime of support and of course the contract guarantees.